Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Here is the full evaluation of my magazine. All 7 questions answered.


Monday, February 27, 2012

Full magazine

All the work on my magazine is now done. These are the three pages, and a final version of my stylesheet.

Magazine cover

Contents page

Double Page Spread

Final version of my stylesheet

New DPS photos

Main photo in my DPS

Considered to use this as a new cover photo

In my previous post i wrote that I was not happy with my photos on my DPS page and that I diddn't feel they where representative for my genre. Therefore i took some new photos, this time i got a friend to take them but with me as a model. The location was a pretty rough abandoned industry area, fitting with my genre of music.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

DPS page

This is what my DPS in the end ended up looking like. I went for a simple three-columns design with text on one page and the title and photos on the other. I am going to change the photos because they aren't very representative for my genre. I decided to put in a footer at the bottom of my DPS to make it a lot more interesting. I also added some "distorted" effects to the background as well. A thing I've seen especially Metalhammer do a lot in their magazines.

This is what my DPS looked like when i adopted it from my flat plan. I found this layout too difficult to work with. Especially working with two columns instead of three. I also wanted a more compact design and therefore i moved my photos on to the other page and extended the "timeline" down to the bottom.

This  is what my DPS looked like before I decided to change my overall design of the page into the grey/black layout I have in the rest of my magazine. Just to make it more in touch with the rest.