Sunday, January 22, 2012

Constructing the contents page; working methods.

I thought it would be interesting to display my working methods when constructing the contents page. My thought behind using this special technique in Photoshop is to stay as close to the original draft as possible

Now, my contents page looks sightly different from the draft. I underestimated how small the text size on an a4 sheet actually is, so i had a lot of extra space.

Here is my working method anyway:

This is the original draft of my contents page. I take this .jpg file and put it as layer Photoshop when I’m starting to make my contents page.

Now i use an very smart tool in Photoshop called guides. I simply drag the guides to construct the first, simple, shapes in my contents page.

By using the shape tool and the text tool i can start to transfer my ideas on paper into Photoshop and if i want to make it exact. I find the guides incredible useful when making anything in Photoshop. Especially page layouts when I want to have everything precise!

This is what my contents page looked like in the start solely based on my draft. I used these shapes to further develop my page.

1 comment:

  1. Really good. An interesting post, showing you working. Well done.
