Monday, November 28, 2011

Feedback Session

Today we had a feedback session and we went trough each others magazine projects so far and left comments on the work. I displayed my pitch alongside a dummy page that I quickly made in Photoshop. I had few flat plans to show unfortunately.

From the feedback session i mostly got positive feedback. I agreed with most of it, but not that I should have a bigger variety of colors. I think that it's good to have a simple design with less colour then a design with too much colours and too much going on. In the magazines I've researched as well, I found that the colours where limited to max four colours per design.

I agree that I should have more stuff going on within the page. Maybe add some sort of border and small columns of text along the sides. I feel that details like this should come along later in the process.

1 comment:

  1. This could be better. You need to explain the feedback session a bit. You could then also talk about how you are going to make the changes
