Sunday, December 4, 2011


The magazine I will produce is called Distortion. It will cover most metal/hard rock music and have a more underground approach.

The magazine will cover a lot of the things going on within the metal genre today, it will contain information about bands, interviews, opinions, gigs and festivals, reviews, articles on the history of the genre and cover things within the metal subculture as well.

The layout of the magazine will be clean, with only a certain amount of different colours, and fonts used to make it consistent and maybe not so "messy" as many of it's competitors.

My target audience is largely males 17 to 25 of age. They have generally an interest in the genre and they engage in activities connected to the genre as well. They are a determined audience, they usually know what bands they like or dislike and usually have opinions about the genre. My target audience may span from class D to C1 (working to lower middle class), someone may belong to class B (middle class) as well.

My double page spread will be a brief history of a fictional band and a review of their discography.

1 comment:

  1. The pitch is ok. Perhaps you could put it with your style sheet for a complete package.
