Monday, December 5, 2011

Flat Plans

Some early sketches on the composition of the pages in my magazine.

On this content page I wanted to go for a more classic design, then just have a "list" of my magazine contents. In this draft I have four "featured" articles as well as an review and gig section. I think it`s important to have a varied contents page.
This is a relatively simple cover draft witht the name of the magazine placed into the upper left corner and all the features placed on the sides around the cover photo.
This is a draft of an pretty simple contents page, I felt that the design was too "straight-forward" and simple for my magazine and wanted to do some more challenging. I still feel it's safe back-up draft to use.

This is the first draft of my DPS. I feel it's a fairly standard but safe DPS but I added a "timeline" down at the bottom to make it more interesting.

1 comment:

  1. These ar ea good start. Pehaps again they shoudl be with your style sheet. Perhaps you could talk us through these design ideas. Perhaps we could see further plans or final plans as well. again you could talk us through this. The more you talk us through your decisions the better.
