Thursday, December 8, 2011

Photography - Planning

I've decided that the images in my magazine in my magazine is going to be a mix between posed/naturalistic photos out on location, maybe studio photos and live photographies. I have already taken a few photographies to this magazine at a Machine Head gig few days ago, and I'm going to another gig this evening so I will get even more live photos.

I have also found a model for a front cover. I still have to figure out how I want to take this photo though, but I'm pretty sure that I want to take it in a studio.

Other photos I want to take out on location, maybe use a few other models.


  1. You could add to this with some sample images or sketches or photography research or all three. The more planning the better.

  2. Overall this blog is a reasonable start but there is a lot of work missing which needs to be put up.
    Firstly, you really need to have analysed 3 magazines. This will give you a much stronger piece of work.
    Secondly you should put some secondary research on here. What do the magazines you looked at say about their audience (look at media packs). This will help you, alongside your own audience research, to produce a reader profile. A good exammple on one can be found on Kerrang media pack.
    Then you need to get your second dafts of layouts, style sheets etc on here. These should show the changes you made based on the feedback your received.
    Go back through your blog, add the missing work and then take action on the comments I have left. It's a good start but there is a lot more still to do.
