Thursday, January 12, 2012

Final drafts

These are the final draft's Ive chosen to use in my magazine. The actual layout in the magazine may vary from the drafts, but the general construction will be the same.

Final draft of the contents page
On the contents page i wanted a little different layout then just "the list" down the a4 page. I've split my contents page into two main parts. First four main articles I want to highlight, and underneath the rest of the articles and reviews in the magazine.

Final draft of the cover.
The case I'm going to have on my cover is my mate's band, and a cover photo of him. I want the name of the band clearly visible on the front of my magazine, because it's the combination of the cover image and the band name that is eventually going to sell. My cover is an open draft with few details in it because I will have to look at the actual cover photo before i can begin to place cover lines.

Final draft of the DPS
My DPS will consist of two photos, each page divided into three columns and a time line underneath the article itself.

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