Thursday, January 12, 2012

Cover photo

These are some of the photos i consider using for my magazine. I met up with my model and did a quick shoot just outside of college. I'm very happy about the result, and I think I've got my cover photo!

The photo-shoot was intended for my cover photo, but I'll maybe use some of the other photos as well troughout my magazine. I consider use some of the mid-shots or long-shots in my DPS or contents page.

These photo's are edited and cropped.

Cover photo

Consider using this image in my DPS, but then i will need more similar long-shots.

Considered using this for my cover

Considered using this for my cover

Instead of making it into a black-and-white series of photos, the photos are only desaturated.

1 comment:

  1. Good idea. Perhaps you can then explain how you came to decide which images your would use where in your magazine.
